低空经济与电动垂直起降飞行器(electric Vertical Take-off and Landing, eVTOL)领域为企业和投资者提供了巨大的商业机会。但在这个新兴市场中专业且实事求是的真知灼见少之又少,每天都有新的问题出现。企业在投入大笔资金之前需要得到可靠的答案,并决定在哪里竞争以及如何竞争胜出,这就是德奥普洞见(DAP Insights)的用武之地。为了帮助决策者更好的理解当前低空经济环境并做出正确的决策判断与投资,有效降低潜在风险,提高项目成功率,德奥普洞见(DAP Insights)推出低空经济战略咨询与答疑解惑Q&A课程。
- 电话/在线咨询:1小时起,N小时/月,N小时/季度等,灵活的咨询组合。
- 上门咨询课程:3小时起,6小时(1天),9小时(1.5天),12小时(2天)等,根据需求订制。
课程报价及详情请咨询:010-64368792; info@daptech.cn
The Low-altitude Economy and eVTOL(electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) landscape presents corporations and investors with massive business opportunities. But intelligence bases on the expertise and truth in this emerging market is scarce, every day brings new questions. Companies need solid answers before committing that large chunk of capital, and deciding where to compete and how to win the competition, that is where DAP Insights comes in. In order to help decision-makers better understand the current Low-altitude Economic environment and make correct decision judgment and investment, effectively reduce potential risks, and improve the success rate of projects, DAP Insights launched Low-altitude Economic strategic consulting and Q&A courses.
Low-altitude Economy strategic consulting and Q&A course
Course topics cover: Focusing on Low-altitude Economic enterprise development strategic consulting, market strategic decision-making, airworthiness certification, supply chain selection, investment and financing, mergers and acquisitions and reorganization.
Course content and significance: The course takes the form of communication and Q&A, analyzes and answers specific questions raised by target customers based on strict compliance process framework (confidentiality agreement, etc.), and assist target customers to make better investment and decision.
Target customer units: Ministries and local governments related to the development of Low-altitude Economy; Banks and investment and financing institutions; Consulting and market research companies; Domestic and foreign eVTOL OEMs; Domestic and foreign eVTOL supply chain manufacturers and battery manufacturers; Enterprise groups with the intention to develop Low-altitude Economy.
Course Duration:
- Telephone/online consultation: from 1 hour, N hours/month, N hours/quarter, etc., flexible consultation combination.
- On-site consultation courses: from 3 hours, 6 hours (1 day), 9 hours (1.5 days), 12 hours (2 days), etc., customized according to demand.
For more information please contact: 010-64368792; info@daptech.cn