德奥普供应链(DAP Supply Chains)
德奥普供应链(DAP Supply Chains),德奥普为中国优质eVTOL制造商与特殊任务飞机(SMA)客户提供DAP一站式供应链解决方案。当前,我们提供的eVTOL核心零部件有:Embention飞控系统,舒贝勒(Schubeler)电动涵道风扇(EDF),电机控制器等。未来我们将持续完善我们的eVTOL供应链解决方案,支持中国制造商又快又好地打造电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)。针对国际AAM/eVTOL市场,我们提供DAP一站式中国供应链解决方案。尖端的中国电池产品是我们向世界出口的第一个中国供应链解决方案。
DAP Supply Chains, DAP provides DAP One-Stop Supply Chain Solution to quality eVTOL manufacturers and Special Mission Aircraft (SMA) customers in China. At present, we offer the core components of eVTOL: Embention Flight Control System, Schubeler Electric Ducted Fan (EDF), Motor Controller etc. In the future, we will continue to improve our eVTOL supply chain solutions to support Chinese manufacturers to build electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOL) quickly and smoothly. For the international AAM/eVTOL market, we provide DAP One-Stop Chinese Supply Chain Solution. The Cutting-edge Chinese battery products are our first Chinese supply chain solutions exported to the world.
德奥普供应链(DAP Supply Chains)
德奥普供应链(DAP Supply Chains)