德奥普成立于2017年,专注于先进空中交通(AAM)/电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)和特殊任务飞机(SMA)业务。差异化的需求,差异化的解决方案。我们认识到每个客户都有各自的需求,我们的目标是提供适合其特定需求的高效且具有成本效益的解决方案。德奥普供应链(DAP Supply Chains),德奥普洞见(DAP Insights)与德奥普工程(DAP Engineering)分别对应我们的航空国际贸易,商业咨询与技术支持服务业务。一直以来我们坚持用高品质的工作交付来赋予德奥普品牌价值。而价值在于恒久的积累与沉淀,我们始终追求为客户提供最好的产品与服务。让别人成功是我们的使命 (Making Others Success is Our Mission)。
德奥普支持国际eVTOL制造商进入中国市场,并为中国的优质eVTOL制造商提供DAP一站式供应链解决方案(DAP One-Stop Supply Chain Solution)。针对国际AAM/eVTOL市场,我们提供DAP一站式中国供应链解决方案(DAP One-Stop Chinese Supply Chain Solution)。尖端的中国电池产品是我们向世界出口的第一个中国供应链解决方案。
Founded in 2017, DAP Technologies focuses on AAM/eVTOL and Special Mission Aircraft (SMA) business. Diversity requirements, diversity solutions. We recognize that each customer has individual requirements, and our objective is to provide an efficient and cost effective solution tailored to their specific needs. We think different, telling the truth and contributing the best. Making others success is our mission.
We support international eVTOL OEMs entry into Chinese market and provide DAP One-Stop Supply Chain Solution to the top level eVTOL OEMs in China. To the international AAM/eVTOL market we provide DAP One-Stop Chinese Supply Chain Solution. The cutting edge Chinese battery products is the first Chinese Supply Chain Solution we export to the world.
DAP Supply Chains, DAP Insights and DAP Engineering represent our aviation international trade, business consulting and technical support services businesses respectively. We have always insisted on high-quality work delivery to give DAP brand value. The value lies in the long-term accumulation and precipitation, we always pursue to provide customers with the best products and services. Making Others Success is Our Mission.
Main businesses and core values:
Products and Services Importing/Exporting;
Technical Supporting and Consulting Service;
Business Development and Project Management;
Aviation and Marine Technology Transfer;
Investors Finding for EU Companies.
Mission: Making Others Success is Our Mission.